Cream of the day, with bio and Coenzyn Q10
For all type of skin, 100% without fragrance,
clinicamente proven for irritating and allergic skin. Hidratante and condicionador.   

Lacura: Cream for the face, of the night

MAN: Sensitive, After Shave.-
For the man of today.-  Balsam for the care of the skin. 100 ml.E                            $3.99
                                          order 401    




PRINCE, for men.-  Eau De Tollette
Desodorante .               $2.79
1.-Duradero, sin olor
2-Recomendado por dermatólogos
3.-Suave y protector para el cuidado de tu piel

order 405 

Prince.- Sport.- after chave, eau de toilette. 100 ml. E.- For the man of today.-
order 402


Desodorante                 $1.59
1.- long lasting Deowirkung
2.- fascinating smell
3.- mild care 4 skin dailyness

     dermatologisch tested 

order 406

Dento-Med. - Multicarie.         
Vital- for the care of your mouth,with
flouro against karies with provitamin B5,
Denta Lux. - 2 in 1,
- liquid one. Mundwasser + Zahngel
$1.99   order 403



Hair-Culture.- Active Shampoo maintains.  Pro-Vitamin B5,  with planting protein
for each hair pH-strike-neutrally, Dermatologisch tested.
 order 407

Body Lotion: Gentle one, humidity care. Skin lotion, with oil of.
With  avocado & valuable, vitamin E.  Ideally for the daily humidity.
Care of the normal skin..                   
order 404


Protector Solar.-con vitamina-E

  $4.59                    order 408